Hello, everyone 🙂
I read a very interesting short article by Eckhart Tolle today about how the future and the past are both illusions and one needs to live in the now to reach enlightenment (the article was written in German so it is kind of hard for me to translate it into English, please excuse that ;D). It got me thinking and I realized that I am trying to constantly better myself, because I have this dream, this image of how I want to be in the future. I believe I will be happy if I reach that point in my life, but I am really unhappy now, because I am simply just stressing out.
I have a huge goal for this year that I really and truly want to reach, so I am trying to teach myself some discipline, to sit down every day and take a baby step towards reaching that goal. I think that it will be easier this way.
But I forgot how to live in the Now. I am just planning ahead instead of enjoying each and every baby step and I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to combine that unfunny discipline with seizing the moment. Or am I looking at it the wrong way?
Thank you very much for reading and considering!
(And also, I wrote a longer post about it on my blog, but I figured a short version would be better for a forum like this and I would really like to discuss this to grow. If you do wish to read the longer post you can find it here.)