I too am experiencing this – so you are not alone! I think it is a very delicate balance between looking to the future (setting goals, vision boards, working towards goals) and being in the present moment – AND – being content in the present moment. I am no expert by any means but I have been reading, getting informed by listening to a variety of different podcasts and TEZ talks. I have a belief based off all of these sources, that if you are not happy within the present moment- when your goal is attained, you will still feel a sense of uneasiness. There is an importance in finding contentment, ease, flow and happiness in this moment. To stop, look around and find happiness and gratitude now. This practice will increase your happiness and if you can find that – then everything will flow from that (that is the idea anyway). Again, I am no expert, in fact I am just like you trying weave this idea into my daily practice. I am using 2017 to work on these ideas to see if there will be any significant changes in my life. Towards the end of last year I wasn’t in a great place, and even now I have a job that – well – isn’t my passion. And I find it quite challenging to sometimes apply the rules found in books and other sources – because it doesn’t fit with my current job situation. My job this year is challenging and not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. However, I am being open, trying new things and still working (got to pay the bills you know) to try and find my passion and ALSO to find contentment in the job I currently have. And so far – I can say that it is working!
My tips are by no means revolutionary – in fact it is everything that has been said a million times over – however I was not that type of person. I was a bit stress head and always over thinking my past and my future. However, I have found that these daily “rituals” lets say, have really helped make the smallest changes to my day. And I think in turn have also helped people around me.
– Meditation – I use headspace but there are many! I even notice a difference now if I missed a day
– Yoga – I had this belief that yoga was a form of exercise – which it is – but disregarded the mental benefit. After a few classes I am addicted and find the practice truly calming after a busy day.
– In the morning I write down 5 things I am grateful for (it takes a minute – not even)
– At night I write down 5 things I was grateful for that occurred that day – and I will admit some nights I am too tired but I do it and instantly feel great – because you realise you had some pretty special moments
– Set a timer and journal for 5 minutes – this is optional and only if I keep have a reoccurring thought that just wont leave my head and writing it out on the page I find it somewhat soothing
– I go for a walk a couple of times a week – just to immerse myself in nature without my phone and with my dog – its great
– Eating healthy – still a work in progress but feeling a lot better for it – deliciously ella is amazing!
I know this isn’t new “stuff” here – but if it has helped someone like me who was always “go,go,go” and “stress, stress, stress” it can help you in some ways too. But just take what feels right – you will know. I also just wanted to say how great it is that you have a goal – you know what you want and have big dreams for the future. And you are taking stepping everyday to achieve those – so congratulations! To me – I feel like that hard work is done – you know what makes you soul shine and makes you smile and that is amazing. I still haven’t worked out that part yet, but I am trying.
I hope this helped and all the best for the present moment and the future.