Hi Christine,
I hope that I understand your question correctly in my reply.
Two years ago I began to I moved toward a more minimalist lifestyle. Although I am not a religious person, I feel that it has helped me move closer to what some people refer to as “spirit”. It helped me to focus more on my goals and to have value in my day to day life. The hardest part about transiting to this new lifestyle wasn’t having lost these items in my house, it was the loss of being able to go out and shop for more. Using shopping as a self soothing method. As a social activity. Now I only go shopping when I am looking for something specific. This loss was an adjustment. Sometimes I want to go back to that lifestyle and have to talk about what is really going on inside me that has set off this old habit. The upside of a minimalist lifestyle has been that when I really want something, I can afford better quality items. I don’t have to settle for the cheap option. I surround myself with what I really think is beautiful.
Tez talked about their decluttering experience in one her Tez Talks. I would also recommend looking into The Minimalists- either their podcasts or film. There is also the Zen Habits website. I can recommend many more resources if you find these sites helpful.