Hi Christine,
What helps me is to not go shopping unless I am looking for a very specific thing. That way I am not temping myself. I admit, sometimes I find something else as well on my quest for this new item, but I don’t go browse without something in mind.
What also helped me in the beginning was to force myself to get rid of an item for every new item I bring into the home. Sometimes I really have to force myself on that one. Before I purchased an item I had to look at it and say “Do you really want this enough to get rid of something else for it?”
I don’t always do this as much anymore because we have cleared our house of clutter and ever 3-6 months go through the house and ask if there are things we are not using and do not bring us joy.
Check out Marie Kondo’s book ( I recommend listening to it on audiobook). Although not all the things in the book will work for you, you may find value in some of what she says).
Does anyone else have any ideas that worked for them?