Hi! This is my first message! I don’t know If I have to introduce myself somewhere in the forum xD
Short introduce: I have 19 years old and I live in France. I know this site since some months but I just decide to finally subscribe… 🙂
I’m currently volunteer for 8 months on a school with 255 boys and only 3 girls. I’m animator and guard (and little nurse with the pupils 😀 ). There age are between 13 and 20. Yes… like me!
I work around 40 hours for 4 days (beginning at 6h30 or 9 and finish at 22h with a pause between 13h30 and 16h45). I love my work but I want to ask you some advice.
I’m totally immature because It’s my first experience. I have the tired, have to think about everything and when I’m not at work… I am at work, I do some research at home. More , I live at the place of my work.
So… can you give me advice for… relax? Release the pression? I have the feeling I’m always at work because I live here, even some week-end! Music? Breathing exercices?
Thank you for your futur answers!
With all my love! 😀