I was walking my dog this morning and on such occasions I am always quite creative. I started to write a poem and throughout the walk I realised, that said poem was a lot more positive than my usual way of writing things. The narrator was feeling good in an active way, loving someone and helping that someone and that action of helping someone else was what the narrator draw strength from. I like that idea, especially because my usual train of thought is that things like love help me, not me helping others because of these emotions. It always was a one sided thing for me, selfish even.
So I stopped for a moment and I looked back at that realisation and I wondered what might have changed my point of view and why the voice heard in this poem was so different than the voices heard in the poems I wrote a year ago. And I realised that throughout all of 2016 the one thing that always helped me, through the bad days, through starting new journeys, was my journal. I learned a lot about myself and my way of thinking simply because I kept a journal throughout the entire year. I have never done this before. It was always something I wanted to do, but I usually stopped after a few months. Now that I have written about the things that make me grateful, the things that make me strive to be a better person, I kind of feel as if I changed in a positive way.
I wrote a blog post about it over on my personal blog and now I was wondering how other people see journaling. I remember reading quite some articles about something called journaling yourself back to mental health, and I wanted to ask you all, if you tried something like this before? Do you keep a journal? Is it a tool for your to understand yourself and grow?
I am really curious because I would love to explore the power of my own writing, if that makes sense 😀